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With busy schedules and the demands of modern life, it can be difficult to meet all of your body’s needs in terms of vitamins through diet alone. While maintaining a healthy diet is important, many patients still face vitamin deficiency from time to time. Patients with various health conditions or specialized diets such as a vegan or vegetarian diet can also face vitamin deficiency. Symptoms of vitamin deficiency are varied but can include fatigue, brain fog, dull skin, and other concerns that may interfere with daily life. One solution for vitamin deficiency is intramuscular injection.

What is Intramuscular Injection?

Intramuscular injection involves directly injecting vitamins to the muscles rather than via IV therapy or an oral supplement, making it a quick, time-saving solution. By injecting vitamins to the muscles, the body can quickly absorb the needed vitamins thanks to abundant blood supply found in the muscles. A variety of vitamins can be administered via intramuscular injection. This procedure may be beneficial for those who suffer from side effects of vitamin deficiency, which can range from visible signs of aging to fatigue and more. With Intramuscular injections,100% of the vitamin is used by the body, unlike trial supplements, where less than 10% is absorbed. However, it is important to note that not all vitamins are suitable for intramuscular injections, and Some patients may require IV vitamins instead.

What to Expect During Treatment

First, we will review your symptoms and health history to determine whether you are facing a vitamin deficiency and which vitamin injections may be beneficial. For some patients, it may be recommended to undergo additional testing to determine which vitamins would benefit them most. Common vitamins used in intramuscular injections can include B12, C, B-complex, and more. After determining which vitamins would benefit you most, the injections can be administered.

The procedure for intramuscular vitamin injections is relatively simple. First, the treatment area will be thoroughly cleansed. The vitamins are then injected directly into the muscles using a fine needle. Injections are typically made to the muscle of the upper thigh. Other options may include the deltoid muscle at the upper arm or the glutes. Determining the best injection site varies based on factors including the amount of vitamin supplement being injected and the patient’s lifestyle considerations. Patients may also receive multiple injections in a single visit. However, these should be administered to different treatment sites. During your consultation, we can explain your best options for treatment.

Intramuscular vitamin injections are performed in our office at Art Aesthetica.

Aftercare Instructions

No downtime is required after receiving intramuscular vitamin injections, making the treatment perfect for busy patients. We offer advice regarding keeping the injection site clean, including avoiding applying products to the site for about 24 hours. Patients may immediately return to their routine activities following the treatment. Some side effects can include redness, swelling, bruising, or tenderness at the injection site. In some cases, we may recommend gently massaging the area to relieve any sensitivity.



Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about intramuscular vitamin injections, schedule a consultation today. We will review your concerns, treatment goals, and health history to create a custom treatment plan. Contact Art Aesthetica in Chicago to set up your first appointment.

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I have been Dr. Skura’s patient since her first day in this facility. In my opinion, she is an excellent doctor. Dr. Skura is a very professional and nice person, helping me in every way with my health problems, and taking excellent care of me. After my experience, I can’t imagine I can go to another doctor now.”

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Doctor of Medicine and Owner of Art Aesthetica at  |  + posts

Katarzyna Skura, MD believes in education, prevention, and a balanced body and mind. Her role is to guide patients toward their greatest health and wellness. She takes the time to design individual treatment plans for each patient, concentrating on prevention and each patient’s unique needs.